Agency Referral Form
Thrive AZ works with the biological families with open cases with the Department of Child Safety either in Prevention, Reunification, or Aged Out. Not sure if your client qualifies? Check out what we do and who we help by clicking here. If you are a case worker making a request on behalf of a client, please use our case worker request form.
*Established clients can contact us directly at 602-544-9547
Prevention and Reunification forms are for DCS case workers only, for new clients that have not been referred previously!
What we DO provide:
Brand New:
Twin beds and cribs
Twin sheets
Crib sheets
Twin blankets
Baby blankets​
Gently Used:
Dressers- 1 per family
Tables and chairs
Sofas and hide a beds
End tables
Coffee tables
Basic household kitchen needs
What we DO NOT provide:
Large appliances- washers/dryers/refrigerators
Queen or king size beds
Tall bookshelves
Rental/Utility assistance
Clothing food hygiene
Financial assistance
Job placement